Thursday, November 6, 2008

Arrival in Wad Medani!

After what seemed like a very long journey, we arrived in Wad Medani at 11pm on Nov 6. We had no difficulty at the airport, however, Martin's suitcase went missing so he is borrowing from all of us until his case arrives. At the Imperial hotel, we were greeted by 5 doctors including the Asst. Dean of U of Gezira, Prof. Osman Saeed and the current Dean, Prof. Ali Habour. All of our hosts were gracious and very welcoming.

As much as we all just wanted to find a bed, we sat down to a "Canadian" meal that they had prepared for us - fish and chips!

Everyone reported a good night's sleep this am and we are ready for an interesting day touring the city. We have been invited to a special "naming" celebration. The birth of a baby, whom they will name today, at 7 days old - they wait 7 days before naming in Sudan.

Hello to all my family and friends - chat soon-


Sister Barbara Paleczny SSND PhD said...

Welcome to Sudan. I am Sister Barbara Paleczny, a School Sister of Notre Dame (Waterdown, Toroanto, Waterloo etc) now living in Malakal South Sudan. 20 of us from around the world form Solidarity with SOuthern Sudan to trsin people to become teachers and health care workers. I am delighted to know about your project, through my sister,Marilyn Thomas and brother, Jack Paleczny, who read about it in the K-W Record. Blessings!

TammyQ said...

So glad to hear that you made it there safely! We are very proud of all of you.

Gord M said...

Glad to hear your all there safe and sound. How knew fish and chips was a Canadian meal!!
I guess for British Canadians LOL
Talk to you soon

Victoria R said...

so glad to hear you arrived safely!! can't wait to see how your trip goes. stay well. V

Caper said...

Great to hear you have arrived safely!

Fish and chips....a Canadain dish ..too funny...I wonder if they had them flown in from the "Rusty Anchor" for