Thursday, November 13, 2008

Out of touch for next few days

Today-Thursday is like our Friday, end of the work week. Tomorrow we head to the capital, Khartoum, for a tour, accompanied by the Director of the new cardiac centre. It will be a good opportunity for us to ask him many questions in our on-going efforts to gather information. Midday, we are going North to see the pyramids! Check out to see where we are staying. We are all very excited. We will not return to Medani until late Saturday. It is unlikely that I will have access to a PC so there will be a lull in my journal entries - will get back to it on Sunday.
Hello to the Sisters, we are all so thankful for this opportunity.


Gord M said...

Hi to you all and I hope you have a safe trip tomorrow.
I think I can speak for all the people on the blog when I say we look forward to some more pictures of this part of your trip.

Victoria R said...

Hi all,
Just a quick note to echo Gord and Tammy's thoughts - the photos are wonderful!
We had our ACU tonight (140+ people!) and Moira mentioned the work you are all doing - there was a lot of interest, so I've shared the blog address with others...
Please tell Bryna and Don that Dr. Hentschel did an amazing job with his presentation, talking about the significant progress and work in the thoracic program it's amazing to come home and see the legacy of the Sisters and St. Mary's thriving locally and internationally.
Stay well, stay safe -

Eileen said...

Hi all
Special love & best wishes to Vera, following with interest, wish I was with you guys. Enjoy the Pyramids they are awesome. You are in a truly wonderful part of the world, the people are sp friendly but sadly so much poverty.
Interested to hear the outcome, maybe Vera can email me, have been sharing infor with my unit.

christine said...

Hi Leanne
You are doing a fantastic job at tracking this experience for everyone back home. Enjoy the pyramids. Tell Dr Rinne the pacemaker clinic likes his hat.
Take care and enjoy

Gord M said...

Im am posting this for Sue B

Hello everyone: Been praying for safety and "heart softening" as realization of our many blessings here in North America. Hope everyone is taking in this rich experience! Thankyou all for using your time, talents and treasures to serve our brothers & sisters in the Sudan. May this experience be a stepping stone to further dreams & visions to aid these lovely people. Keep up the great work as you represent our country and SMGH. What a wonderful opportunity to love others in the Name of Christ!Special hello to Vera and Claus...God bless-love Sue B.

Ann McCusker said...

Hi LeeAnne!
I've finally joined in and am now following the journey around Sudan and the DC! Loved the wedding adventure story.

I'm looking forward to seeing the photos from your weekend get-away.


A. K. said...

As one of the Sisters it is wonderful to be able to follow your journey.The community update was a truly uplifting gathering of friends and supporters. You were all remembered. Best wishes. Sr. Anne Karges.

Bruce A. said...

LeeAnne et al: Fantastic effort by everyone. Good to see the spirit of St. Mary's in Africa. All the best and God speed!
P.S.would have loved to see Claus shaking his booty!