Friday, November 21, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Arrived home on Wed. evening. A very long journey, 18 hours flying time with an 8 hour layover in Amsterdam. To add to this, a 3 hour drive from Pearson to Kitchener in bad weather.....oh well, home now and starting to find our way back to normal.

We were very busy our last couple of days in Sudan, visiting an established cardiac centre in the capital, Khartoum. We were pleased with what we observed and optimistic that we can help to create something similar in Medani. The physicians from the centre treated us to a nice meal, including camel and ostrich. Interesting.
Some of us visited a publicly-funded school for the mentally challenged, the only one of its kind in Sudan. It was wonderful to see these children in such a positive environment. They were so happy despite the bare basics they were working with - really makes you think.

I am sad to be finishing my blog entries as I have enjoyed this communication with all of the followers. However, it's time to move into action mode! We need to focus on the next steps in our goal to assist our Sudanese friends. I think I speak for the entire team in saying that we will all cherish this overwhelming, thought-provoking experience. I will forever be grateful for the personal and professional learnings that have resulted from this journey. To the family of my team members - THANK YOU! for "loaning" your special person to us for 2 weeks - I'm sure you're glad to have them home.
Yours very truly,

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