Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Social Evening in Sudan!

So much to tell.......last night we went to a Muslim religious ceremony, similar (sort of) to an evangelical church service, with men standing in a circle, dancing and chanting "God is Great". It felt so surreal witnessing this ritual. From here, we went to a wedding. The final reception, following 2 weeks of festivities that are a part of all Sudanese weddings. We danced - yes, all of us! and enjoyed the beautiful dress of the bride and her bridesmaids. At 10ish we headed to the Pharmacy Club for dinner. The pharmacists have their own union; they built this club. Lots and lots of food and great conversation. Met many more physicians from all different specialties and other U of Gezira faculty. Got home late but absolutely worth it - an amazing evening.
Hello to All. Special hello to my friends in CB!

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