Monday, November 17, 2008

Sunday - Meeting the Minister

Returned from Northern Sudan, late, on Sat night. We were very tired after an 8 hour return trip (by bus) to Medani. The pyramids, sleeping in tents, under the stars, a full moon.....priceless!

The team was back to business on Sunday morn. Tim, or Mr. Tim as he is called by the Sudanese, continued his individualized program, moving from hospital-to-hospital giving lectures, reapiring equipment and hands on training of technicians. Tomorrow night the biomed group is having a party for him at the hotel.....we call it "the celebration of Mr. Tim". Other teaching and investigative activities continued throughout the day. The entire team came together late morning to meet the Minister of Health for Gezira State. It was very official. He spoke to us through the use of a translator and we responded - using a translator was a new experience for most of us. He talked about his duty to offer health services for the State and felt it could not be achieved without partnership with nations such as Canada. He applauded Canadian humanitarian aid in Darfur. He reaffirmed his commitment to our partnership and said that he would not spare any efforts to make our partnership successful. This was very encouraging to our group.

All is well but we are starting to miss our wonderful country and home. Not long to our families and friends.
p.s. new pics below!
p.s.s. Hi Matt xoxo


aunt Nita said...

Wow, Lee, you and the team are having the most wonderful experiences. Your stories are such wonderful reading. Everyone are so proud of all you guys. They couldn't have sent anyone better to represent Canada, if all the team is like you honey.

Keep up the good work, I try to follow the blog everyday, so take good care of yourself and the others as well. This is something to treasure for a lifetime.

Don't worry about the snow, we will keep it all here with us. haha

bah humbug. I am going to call your mom tonight and see how she is doing. love you? All of you stay safe and be very proud of the great job you are doing there!

Love Aunt Nita

christine said...

Hi Vera
The pictures really magnify the wonderful role you have worked so hard to accomplish.
Canada will welcome you home with approximately 10cm of snow and lots of sunshine.
P.S Hello to the rest of the team and Mr. Tim

Victoria R said...

You are making us all very proud - but we miss you guys too! Not long now till you are home...looking forward to hearing all about your journey.

aunt Nita said...

Hi Lee,
Hello to the rest of the team too!
spoke to your mom last night, she is good. Matt was with her.I told her about your pics on this site, and she was going to call Jo to tell her so she can see them tonight when she goes over. So just in case no one has been in touch, no worries, everyone is fine.

Glad everything went so well and the trip was so successful.
Sounds like it was a great feather in all your caps. See you between Christmas and New Year. Take care my sweet girl.

hugs Aunt Nita. xoxoxoxo