Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thoughts....after a couple of days in Medani....

We have just returned to the hotel after a full morning/afternoon of activity, including touring of the University Of Gezira medical facilities, listening to presentations by the Dean, Past Dean and so on. So much information to process. As a team, we are trying to see a vision for what we want to achieve for the Sudanese; typical Canadians...trying to problem solve and plan after only 3 days in this very complex country. Maybe the fact that I have just written, "what we want to achieve" is part of the difficulty; what we want and what they want will have to mesh...I suspect this will take some time. We might need to pause, continue to collect information, observe.......
p.s. all team members are in good spirits!


Gord M said...

Glad to hear your all doing well. Also glad to here Canadians never change even in Africa. I noticed not too many coments so I had to coment so you realize we are reading. Best wishes to you all.
From Gord in Miami!!

Victoria R said...

The photo of the future cardiac surgery centre is so cool! Does it take you back to the days when you were planning & designing the centre here? It must be amazing to compare and contrast the two.
Hope all is well - looking forward to more posts.

JoAnne said...

Glad to hear you are doing well and having such great experiences. We all miss you, especially Matt. He has missed his mom since you have been gone, but no worries we are keeping him busy. We got to see the fire station on Friday. Lots of fun. Tomorrow night Mom is having a b-dinner for Tom. Tom should love that, me, Mom and all the kids. What a party for him. ;)

Sorry for the personal family update, but thought you would want to know we are thinking of you and miss you.

love jo

S.Lane said...

Am eagerly reading and look forward to your updates. What an incredible & rewarding experience for all of your team. Please give my sister-in-law, Bryna, belated birthday wishes.

aunt Nita said...

Hi Lee,

what a nice surprise to hear you are in Africa. I hear it is the most beautiful country for scenery.
Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. What a good thing you are doing there. I am so proud of you. I will let grandpa know and give Ruth the link so they can have a look too. Take good care of yourself and have a great time while you are there.

Will see you back in Kitchener and expecting to hear all about the trip with some great pictures.

hugs Aunt Nita

aunt Nita said...


You may have more than 1 message from me, sorry, first time I have used one of these things and tried this morning a few times but saw nothing and now it is after lunch and I see the comment from this morning. Don't know how to delete them, didn't think it was working till now when I see the first message. Sorry ignore the rest

Aunt Nita. xoxox

Lydia said...

All of us at St.Mary's are tuning in and thinking about the team.

We are so glad you are getting to know the Sudanese culture and starting your journey off so well.

Take Care, with lots of love,


christine said...

Hi Vera

Wishing you well in Sudan. Please do take care and we will eagerly await a friday night filled with the experiences you have encountered.

P.S Hi to the rest of the team

Enjoy Christine